Heritage Summers FACTSnet Index

Make, learn and share history this summer. You will make history by being one of the first groups to participate in this program. What you learn can be shared by creating web pages, participating in storytelling and program activities. There are two summer school courses and you have two programs to choose from as follows:
Summer School in St. Albert June 30th - July 11
Historical Summer (St. Albert, Morinville, Sturgeon County And Legal)
Tri-Heritage Summer (Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Parkland County)

Summer Archive

For 2019, we are currently hiring team leaders (Usually, SCiP interns).  Team leaders that apply before January 18th will have an opportunity for input into their summer job application.  We are interviewing for team leader internship positions on January 15th at the University of Alberta.  For those who cannot make an in person interview, we may do telephone interviews.  

Summer jobs will focus on Digital Collections Research and Development.  To get an idea of what we do view Summer 2018 Summaries    For 2019 we will be emphasizing the CSJ objectives (see above). Job descriptions will be coming out in February and funding should be announce in late April.

Alberta Organizations can sponsor one or more digital collects for their community.  This means we will apply for one or more team leaders and assistants for a specific community to research information, resources, organizations and people related the specific collections for that community.  We are also looking for community mentors for our teams.  

If your organization would like to be a sponsor or you know of potential mentors or youth (15-30) that would either like to be team leaders or assistants please have them mail factsuma@gmail.com immediately so we can apply before the January 18th deadline.

FACTS (Family And Community Twining Society) has applied for funding to Canada Summer Jobs for the summer jobs listed below. Post-Secondary Students must be eligible for the job as follows:

 be between 15 and 30 years of age at the start of the employment;  have been registered as full-time students in the previous academic year and intend to return to school on a full-time basis in the next academic year;
be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act2; and,  be legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial or territorial legislation and regulations.

This year we are focusing on Canada 2017 networks, especially Reset Canada 2017 and the following networks Equine, Heritage, Mental Health (Brain research), Newcomers to Canada, Low Income, Nonprofit Finance and Accounting (pay roll), Digital Technology and Alberta/Japan.

For more information see factsnet.org, especially the FACTSnet Internships, Jobs, etc.   link.   To apply for a summer job send your resume to the FACTSnet team at factsuma@gmail.com. indicating which job and network(s) you are interested in.  

Note: We encourage all eligible post-secondary students to apply, especially students with Aboriginal background, from visible minorities or students with a disability.

Community Network Consultant (6 Positions)

The primary responsibility will be to work with our Canada 2017 and other networks as a Consultant. The successful candidate will work with community organizations, team members and volunteers in developing networks, archives (especially digital archives of Sporting, Historical, Cultural and Agricultural events) and resources, such as Finder’s Guides. Our networks are community based, and connect with organizations and individuals across Canada that work with families, teachers, students, parents, and seniors. A special effort will be made to contact groups that work in both French and English, with aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, and newcomers to Canada.  The employee must support our Value-Based Medium, including the values of our partners and sponsors, and work on projects with other team members, our partners and/or sponsors, as required.  Research, training and network development may take place at various sites within and outside the community, and/or over the Internet. Positions and network emphasis are as follows:

  1. Spruce Grove: Student should have a background to work on our animal care network and archive.
  2. Three Hills: Sports, alumni and Summer Camps
  3. Chestermere: Summer Camps and alumni
  4. Keephills: summer camps, youth and animal care
  5. Edmonton MIll Woods heritage and alumni
  6. Ft. McMurray archives 

Community Resource Developer 2017 (Ambrose University Calgary)

The primary responsibility will be to work with the Ambrose Library and others to locate and develop collections, resources such as Finders Guides and archives for our Canada 2017 and other networks. The successful candidate will work with community organizations, team members and volunteers on our community based networks, and to connect with organizations and individuals across Canada that work with families, teachers, students, parents, and seniors. A special effort will be made to contact groups that work in both French and English, with aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, and newcomers to Canada.  The employee must support our Value-Based Medium, including the values of our partners and sponsors, and work on projects with other team members, our partners and/or sponsors, as required.  Research, training and network development may take place at various sites within and outside the community, and/or over the Internet.

Community Network Archivist (St. Albert)

The primary responsibility will be to work with the St. Albert Heritage Museum to develop Community Archive Networks, with an emphasis on 150th anniversary networks. The successful candidate will work with community organizations, team members and volunteers in developing networks, archives (especially digital archives) and resources, such as Finder’s Guides. Our networks are community based, and connect with organizations and individuals across Canada that work with families, teachers, students, parents, and seniors. A special effort will be made to contact groups that work in both French and English, with aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, and newcomers to Canada.  The employee must support our Value-Based Medium, including the values of our partners and sponsors, and work on projects with other team members, our partners and/or sponsors, as required, like participating in the International Children’s Festival.  Research, training and network development may take place at various sites within and outside the community, and/or over the Internet.

Bilingual Network Manager (Campus St. Jean, Edmonton)
The primary responsibility will be to manage the development our Canada 2017 and other networks in both French and English. The successful candidate will work with community organizations, team members and volunteers in developing networks, archives (especially digital archives) and resources, such as Finder’s Guides. Our networks are community based, and connect with organizations and individuals across Canada that work with families, teachers, students, parents, and seniors. A special effort will be made to contact groups that work in both French and English, with aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, and newcomers to Canada.  The employee must support our Value-Based Medium, including the values of our partners and sponsors, and work on projects with other team members, our partners and/or sponsors, as required.  Research, training and network development may take place at various sites within and outside the community, and/or over the Internet.