2008 Summer Heritage Index

Although Tri-Heritage Summer mostly went as planned, Historical Summer did not. This was likely due to a late start in advertising and the fact that Stony Plain was celebrating 100 years as a town.

Make, learn and share history this summer. You will make history by being one of the first groups to participate in these programs. What you learn can be shared by creating web pages, participating in storytelling and other program activities.

Digital-Heritage Summer Training 2008 (For both Historical Summer and Tri-Heritage Programs)
Historical Summer (St. Albert, Morinville, Sturgeon County And Legal)
Tri-Heritage Summer (Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Parkland County)

Archive 2008

On Monday we have a free training session in the Library from 10am-11:30am priority will be given to those who register for the whole week.

July 14 - 18 Grades 4-12 and Young Adults 1pm - 4:30 pm
July 14 1pm - 2:30pm A free training session will be held on July 14th at St. Alberta Public Library (Computer Training Room) to introduce the Historical Summer Program and to provide basic training in using blogger for historical projects. You must register for this session as spaces are limited.
July 15-18 Spruce Grove Composite High School 8:30am - 12noon. In these sessions you will be trained to be more advanced blogger users and to work on projects of interest to you and/or your sponsors.
Although the training will focus on doing historical projects and preparing for the On-site and Stories From the Past programs, anyone interested in using the Internet for historical purposes or learning how to use blogger will benefit.
Cost $100 (refundable for sponsored participants)
High School Credit: Grades 10-12 (completed grade 9)
High school students can get credit for work experience, as well as getting paid, if they are sponsored.
Email facts@gaggle.net to register or for more information on sponsorship, project requirements, and participating in a group.

Spruce Grove and District Agricultural Society, Summer

June 15 Music Jamboree 1 – 5 PM

July 1st
Street Performers
Come see us at the Vendors Stalls!

July 19th Country Soul Stroll Pancake Breakfast
8 AM - 10:30 – at the elevator

August 16 Corn Roast and Kids Carnival
1:00 – 4:00 Carnival
5:00 dinner and silent auction

September 21
Music Jamboree 1 – 5 PM

September 27
Harvest Festival 10 AM - 2 PM

CONTACT 780-960-4600
email: sgagsociety@hotlinkwireless.com


Grades 1-12, July 28 - August 29
If there is enough interest, we are planning to develop a project and stories group for the above communities. This group could work on Morinville Digital Heritage Projects or other projects of interest.
Please email facts@gaggle.net to get more information and indicate your interest.


Grades 1-12: July 31, August 7, 14, 21
We will continue to find out how life and community have changed over time thru stories presented by our project groups and individuals. These will be different from the Summer School and St. Albert On-site stories.
This program is for groups who wish to book a story time for children grades 1-3 in the afternoon and a full day program for children grades 4 and up. Programs will be arranged individually with the group.
Email facts@gaggle.net to get more information.


Grades 4-12, July 28 - August 29
Participants can work on a sponsored community project, like, the Alberta Christmas Project (See abchristmas.blogspot.com) or a personal, or family project. Participants in grades 4-6 need to work together with an adult or a teen project coordinator. Participants need to take the Historical Summer Training course and can participate in the STORIES FROM THE PAST program on the following Thursdays at the Elevator Park. Between Thursdays you can work on your projects individually and/or in small groups.
Cost $15 per week or $55 for all five weeks. (Refundable for sponsored participants).
Email facts@gaggle.net for more information on sponsorship, project requirements, and participating in a group..


July 21 - Those who want a full week program can join 100 Years of Stories in Stony Plain
July 22 - 25 Grades 1-12 St. Albert Sites.
Be part of an historical family participating in historical events, at St. Albert’s historical sites. Families will be composed of students in grades 1-12 with older students being the parents. We will visit the Father Lacombe Chapel, the Little White School House, the Elevator Park, Métis cultural centre, and other sites in downtown. This year we will explore the theme of Christmas at various times and places in history.
Grades 4-12 On-site Research, Site Visits and Stories 10am –4pm
Research the history of your family and the event you will be participating in, then join your family group for visit & stories in the afternoon. Bring your lunch or money to buy lunch. On Tuesday we have a free session in the Library from 10am-11:30am priority will be given to those who register for the whole week. A schedule will be sent to you by email when we confirm your registration. Priority will be given to students, who have taken Historical Summer Training.
Email facts@gaggle.net for more information and/or to register.
Cost $ 20 per day or $75 for all four days (refundable for sponsored participants)
Grades 1-3 On-site Visits and Stories 12:30pm – 3:30pm
You will visit different sites each day and participate in historical stories in historical family groups.
Tuesday: Meet at the Museum and visit the Michif Institute.
Wednesday: Visit the Little White School House
Thursday: Visit SAGE (St. Albert Grain Elevator) site
Friday: Visit Father Lacomb Chapel (Parents, friends and family are invited to a presentation at 2:45).
Cost $ 10/day or $35 for all four days.
Grade 1-3 phone registration 459-1528


100 Years of Stories

Mondays July 21 - August 25 (Except August 4)
Stony Plain Public Library
Grades 1-3 (10am – 12:30pm)
We will find out how life and community have changed over time thru stories presented by our project groups and individuals. These will be different from the Summer School stories.
Grades 4-12 (10am - 4pm)

Will join grades 1-3 for the morning. The afternoon will be spent on projects and stories, priority will be given to those registered in the Family and Tri-Heritage Projects & Stories program.

Cost: No charge but you must register as space is limited Email facts@gaggle.net to register or for more information.
Assistants & Volunteers

Teachers, other adult volunteers can assist. Assistants must register with Tri-Heritage Summer by emailing facts@gaggle.net

Other Tri-Heritage Summer Programs 2008

This post is for links to other programs in the Tri-Municipal Area of Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, and Parkland County.
To make a link comment on this post and put your link as the URL for your comment.

Family and Tri-Heritage Projects & Stories

Participants can work on a sponsored community project, like, the Alberta Christmas Project (See abchristmas.blogspot.com) and/or a personal, or family project. Participants in grades 4-6 need to work together with an adult or a teen project coordinator. Participants need to take the Tri-Heritage Summer Training course and can participate in the 100 Years of Stories program on Monday mornings July 21 to August 25 (excluding August 4th) and get help in the afternoon. Between Mondays you can work on your projects individually and/or in small groups.
Information and Organizational Meeting June 16th Stony Plain Public Library at 6:30pm.
Cost $15 per week or $55 for all five weeks. (Refundable for sponsored participants).
Email facts@gaggle.net for more information on sponsorship, project requirements, and participating in a group.

Digital-Heritage Summer Training 2008

Grades 4-12 and Young Adults
Although the training will focus on training for Historical Summer 2008, Tri-historical projects and 100 Years of Stories programs, anyone interested in using the Internet for historical purposes or learning how to use blogger will benefit.
First Session (No Charge) : July 14 Stony Plain Public Library 10am -12:00 noon This session will introduce the Tri-heritage Summer program and provide basic training in using blogger for historical projects. You must register for this session as spaces are limited. Priority will be given to those taking the other sessions.
July 15-18 Spruce Grove Composite High School 8:30am - 12noon. In these sessions you will be trained to be more advanced blogger users and to work on projects of interest to you and/or your sponsors.
High School Credit: Grades 10-12 (completed grade 9)
High school students can get credit for work experience, as well as getting paid (see sponsorship information).
Optional Afternoon Activities: These activities will depend on participants interest. Monday afternoon will be spent preparing for Tri-Heritage and Historical Summer programs.
Cost $100 (refundable for sponsored participants)
Email facts@gaggle.net for more information or to register.

Heritage Courses in Summer School 2008

The following Summer School courses are the first part of both Heritage Summer programs.

Through online pictures and stories, discover how life and community have changed over time. St. Albert will be the focus and other communities will be explored as well. Students can explore interest areas by finding pictures and discovering the stories behind the picture. Participants may work individually or in groups and develop presentations to share.
Participants will be introduced to a method for individually and collectively reviewing and sharing history using the Internet. Using this methodology they will be able to explore topics of interest to them, individually or in small groups. Visit www.abchristmas.blogspot.com for an illustration of what participants will learn to do.
The program content will be different the second week . To register in either course or for more information (See Summer School Brochure)

Assistants & Volunteers

Teachers, other adult volunteers and students in grades 10-12 can assist in the grade 7-9 course. Assistants must register with Historical Summer not summer school by emailing facts@gaggle.net

Summer Program Sponsorship

Scholarships for students in grades 4-12, who are interested in working on Alberta Christmas projects are available. Other scholarships may become available as we get sponsors.

You can also find their own sponsors to pay for fees and students in grades 8-12 and young adults can get paid from funds raised. The scholarship and sponsorship program will be explained at:
  • June 10th Information Meeting - St Albert Museum 6:30pm
  • June 16th Information Meeting - Stony Plain Public Library at 6:30pm.

    You can also email facts@gaggle.net for more information on how to apply and what is currently available.

    To apply for a scholarship or sponsorship students must be recommended by a teacher. Teachers need to email facts@gaggle.net with what school they teach at and the names of students they recommend.

Tri-Heritage Summer 2008

Make, learn and share history this summer. You will make history by being one of the first groups to participate in this program. What you learn can be shared by creating web pages participating in storytelling and program activities. We will learn about the history tri-municipal region from the Winterburn, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain and Hills of Hope (Western part of Parkland County) history books. The emphasis will be on Tri-municipal Christmas and 100 years of history Program components are as follows: (Note grades listed below are those the participants will be going into in September)
June 16 Information Meeting - Stony Plain Public Library at 6:30pm.
June 30th - July 11 Summer School in St. Albert
July 14-18 Tri-Heritage Summer Training - Grades 4-12 and Young Adults
July 14 - August 29 Family and Tri-Heritage Projects & Stories Grades 4-12 and Young Adults
July 21 - August 25 (Mondays, except August 4) 100 Years of Stories
Grades 1-3 (10am – 12:30pm) - Grades 4-12 (10am – 4:30pm)
July - August Other Tri-municipal Heritage Programs
Click on Links above to find out more about your options. For more information or to register email facts@gaggle.net

Historical Summer 2008

Make, learn and share history this summer. You will make history by being one of the first groups to participate in this program. You will learn history from the St. Albert and/or Morinville history books online and other sources. What you learn can be shared by creating web pages participating in storytelling and program activities as follows: (Note grades listed below are those the participants will be going into in September)
June 30th - July 11 Summer School
July 14-18 Historical Summer Training and On-site preparation - Grades 4-12 and Young Adults
July 22-25 St. Albert History On-site 2008
Be part of an historical family participating in historical events, at St. Albert’s historical sites. This year we will explore the theme of Christmas at various times and places in history. .Grades 4-12 (Full Day) -Grades 1-3 (Afternoons).
July 28 - August 29 Family and Local History Projects Grades 4-12
July 31, August 7, 14, 21 Stories from the Past Grades 4-12 (Full Day) -Grades 1-3 (Afternoons).
July 14 - August 29 Morinville, Sturgeon County And Legal: Stories & Projects Group Grades 1-12
Please email facts@gaggle.net to get more information and indicate your interest.

Historical Summer 2008 Registration

For Summer School June 30th - July 11 See Summer School Brochure for registration form.

To register for a Historical Summer 2008 program, copy and paste the age appropriate registration form (below) into an email and send it to

Check off the programs you are registering for:

Grades 1-3___July 21-25 St. Albert History On-site - Cost $60
___July 31, August 7, 14, 21 Stories from the Past Cost $10 per afternoon or $35 for all four afternoons.
___July 14 - August 29 Morinville, Sturgeon County And Legal: Stories & Projects Grades 1-12 Cost TBA
Cost for both Onsite and four afternoons of stories $90.

__-I agree to supervised use of the Internet by my child.

___ I agree to my child’s picture and work to be used for non-commercial use to further heritage projects and to share memories with other participants.

Parent/Guardian signature ________________________.

Grades 4-12

Check off the programs you are registering for:
___July 14-18 Historical Summer Training and On-site research – cost $100
___July 21-25 St. Albert History On-site - Cost $100___July 28 - August 29 Family and Local History Projects – Cost $100___July 31, August 7, 14, 21 Stories from the Past Cost 15 per week or $50 for four weeks.
___July 14 - August 29 Morinville, Sturgeon County And Legal: Stories & Projects Grades 1-12 Cost TBA

___I agree to supervised use of the Internet by my child and any Internet work done by my child be recognized using their ___ Full Name ___First Name ___ Anonymously.

___I agree to my child’s picture to be used for non-commercial use to further heritage projects and to share memories with other participants.

___For students 13 years or older I agree to allow my teen to sign up for a google account to be able to use blogger (contributions would be recognized using their blogger account name. Students can use a common account if they do not get a personal account.

Parent/Guardian signature ________________________.

Grade 4-12 applying for scholarships Indicate is an email from a teacher recommending you has been sent ____ will be sent ___ Please indicate the teacher’s name.

Grades 8-12 If you are applying for scholarships or sponsorships please attach resume.