Summer Programs 2009

Two heritage programs (St. Albert, and Spruce Grove) employed 5 students as follows:
  1. One from Ambrose University College
  2. One from UofA Faculty of Arts
  3. One from UofA Campus St. Jean
  4. Two High School students from Edmonton Catholic Schools. 
For more information see blog links below and
In Spruce Grove we also employed 5 K&E students from Spruce Grove Composite High School in our Make Fix and Recycle Program.

Below are links to the blogs heritage student employees worked on.

Blogs Roger worked this summer:

For the first week I was working on the St. Albert job. At that time there were around seventy blogs, now there are ninety-six. Some of these new blogs I had set up (such as Blog Implementations and FACTS Summer 09), though most of them were set up by Luc as French blogs. On the St. Albert job, I was researching and getting into contact with Churches in the area. Before being moved to the Spruce Grove job I had made a list of all the St. Albert Churches and their online histories (the post has since been modified with information on the churches foundings).
On the Spruce Grove job I spent a lot of time doing general administrative work. I set up and modified some of the aspects of the Inspiring Education Conversations (such as inspedpic) as well as taking part in an online conversation myself.
It started to become apparent that if we were going to continue using the blogger module it needed to be organized a bit better. Mr. Ibsen, the summer team, and I had discussions as to what this organization would look like. The fruits of this labor can be found in FACTSnet Index along with the other two Index blogs. This organization should lay the groundwork for those who come after us and make their jobs easier.
Apart from that I still spent time doing research from online history books and over the phone. This work can be found on Tri-Heritage Network and Stony Plain Christmas blogs.

Blogs Jennifer worked on:

For the bulk of the summer I had been familiarising myself with the St. Albert history books, The Black Robe's Vision. The priority of my job was to gather any sort of information on the St Albert Jubilees, from the founding in 1861, 1911, and 1961 to the upcoming 150th anniversary in 2011. Everything I managed to glean was put into the St Albert Jubilee blog. I also spent time creating charts for the various organisations in St. Albert and looking for their histories online to post.

The Alberta Social Studies (Local History) blog was set up to create a standard for FACTS and for Alberta Education. The information in this blog was intended so that in the near future, students in St. Albert would have the opportunity to learn about their own local history. With a Grade 12-to-be in our team, we were able to expand and detail the goals of using St. Albert history as a part of the Grade 12 Social Studies curriculum, and thus, the St. Albert Issues: A historical Perspective was implemented.

Towards the end, I had the opportunity to start writing a few stories on St. Albert history, such as the establishment of the Mission and early Christmasses celebrated in the young St. Albert community. An index of The Black Robe's Vision was also made.

Blogs Simon-Luc worked on (not edited pasted from profile)

My Blogs

Team Members

FACTSnet Tri Heritage Hebert St Albert Heritage Network AdministratorFACTSNET Coordinator
Noël à Hills of Hope Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator
Réseaux d'Information Collaboratifs
Alberta Christmas Posts FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert
Héritage de Stony Plain Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator
Centralta Tourism Society FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert Societe Touristique Centralta
Noël dans la Tri-Communauté FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert
Héritage de Winterburn FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert
Alberta Social Studies (Local History) Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator St Albert Heritage Network Administrator
Héritage de l'Alberta Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator
West Edmonton (Jasper Place) Christmas Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator
Noël à Stony Plain Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator
Blog Implementations Tri Heritage FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert
FACTS Standard Features Blog St Albert Heritage Network Administrator FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert
Réseau d'Héritage Été FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert
Noël à Winterburn FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert
Hills of Hope Christmas Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator
FACTSnet en Français
Héritage de Spruce Grove FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert
Tri-Community Christmas Network FACTSNET Coordinator Tri Heritage Hebert
Tri-Heritage Network Tri Heritage FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert
Noël à Jasper Place Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator
FACTSnet Workshop St Albert Heritage Network Administrator FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert Facts Workshop Participant
Spruce Grove Heritage Tri Heritage St Albert Heritage Network AdministratorFACTSNET Coordinator Hebert
Alberta Heritage Networks Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator Computers in the Arts Blog Coordinator St Albert Heritage Network Administrator
Winterburn Christmas FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert
Alberta Christmas Network FACTSNET Coordinator D. Ibsen FACTS Member HebertFamily And Community Twining Society (FACTS) St Albert Heritage Network Administrator
Société Touristique du Centralta FACTSNET Coordinator Societe Touristique Centralta Hebert
Stony Plain Christmas FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert
St. Albert Jubilee Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator St Albert Heritage Network Administrator
Stony Plain Heritage St Albert Heritage Network Administrator Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator
CTS Blogger Modules Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator
Spruce Grove Christmas Hebert FACTS Student FACTSNET Coordinator
Tri-Héritage FACTSNET Coordinator
Noël à Spruce Grove Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator
Noël en Alberta Hebert FACTSNET Coordinator
FACTSnet Blogger Workshops St Albert Heritage Network Administrator FACTSNET Coordinator Hebert
Summer Heritage Network

Blogs Herbert worked on and Julien also worked on some of them (from profile unedited)

My Blogs

Team Members

FACTSnet FACTSNET Coordinator Tri Heritage St Albert Heritage Network Administrator Simon-Luc
Inspiring Students Blog FACTSNET Coordinator
Uniting for Children & Youth Networks FACTSNET Coordinator
Part B: Inspiring Tri-Community Dialogue on Education FACTSNET Coordinator
Spruce Grove FACTS FACTSNET Coordinator D. Ibsen Family And Community Twining Society (FACTS)
Alberta Christmas Posts FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc
Héritage de Stony Plain Simon-Luc FACTSNET Coordinator
Centralta Tourism Society Societe Touristique Centralta FACTSNET CoordinatorSimon-Luc
Noël dans la Tri-Communauté FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc
Alberta Social Studies (Local History) St Albert Heritage Network Administrator FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc
FACTS Family Networks FACTSNET Coordinator
FACTS Summer 09 FACTS Summer Projects Coordinator Tri HeritageFACTSNET Coordinator
Blog Implementations FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc Tri Heritage
Noël à Stony Plain FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc
Computers in the Arts Computers In the Arts Student Stu Computers in the Arts Blog Coordinator FACTSNET Coordinator Liebschenktisis djdanjohnson
Réseau d'Héritage Été Simon-Luc FACTSNET Coordinator
FACTS Standard Features Blog St Albert Heritage Network Administrator FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc
Noël à Winterburn Simon-Luc FACTSNET Coordinator
St. Albert Working Blog FACTSNET Coordinator St Albert Heritage Network Administrator
Noël de St. Albert FACTSNET Coordinator
FACTS Educational Networks FACTSNET Coordinator Family And Community Twining Society (FACTS)
Community Dialog Template (One Hour - Alberta 2009) FACTSNET Coordinator FACTSnet Guest
Founders' Walk FACTSNET Coordinator St Albert Heritage Network Administrator
Héritage de Spruce Grove FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc
Morinville Heritage Network Heritage FACTS Five FACTSNET Coordinator Centralta Tourism Blog Coordonnateur Family And Community Twining Society (FACTS)
Prophetic, Berean, Foothills Historical Network FACTSNET Coordinator
Make, Fix and Recycle FACTSNET Coordinator
Tri-Community Christmas Network FACTSNET Coordinator Tri Heritage Simon-Luc
Faith & Tenacity Project Development G. P Vanier Teachers Heritage FACTS Five George H. Premeau Library FACTSNET Coordinator
Oh Canada (Music Styles) FACTSNET Coordinator
Noël à Jasper Place Simon-Luc FACTSNET Coordinator
Winterburn Heritage Network FACTSNET Coordinator
Spruce Grove Heritage Tri Heritage Simon-Luc FACTSNET Coordinator St Albert Heritage Network Administrator
Parents As Coaches Network FACTSNET Coordinator Peter
FACTS nec FACTSNET Coordinator
Alberta Heritage Networks FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc Computers in the Arts Blog Coordinator St Albert Heritage Network Administrator
Inspiring Education - Igniting Heritage (St. Albert 150 Template) FACTSNET Coordinator St Albert Heritage Network Administrator
Alberta Christmas Network Simon-Luc FACTSNET Coordinator FACTS Member D. Ibsen Family And Community Twining Society (FACTS) St Albert Heritage Network Administrator
Stony Plain Christmas FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc
Murals Centralta Societe Touristique Centralta FACTSNET Coordinator
inspedpic Insped Blogger FACTSNET Coordinator
CTS Blogger Modules FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc
Alberta Social Studies Network (Grade Four) FACTSNET Coordinator
FACTS - Family And Community Twining Society FACTSNET Coordinator Family And Community Twining Society (FACTS)
Noël en Alberta FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc
Summer Heritage Network FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc Tri Heritage
Noël à Hills of Hope Simon-Luc FACTSNET Coordinator
Morinville Community Networks FACTSNET Coordinator
Héritage de Winterburn Simon-Luc FACTSNET Coordinator
St. Albert Issues: A historical Perspective FACTSNET Coordinator St Albert Heritage Network Administrator
Héritage de l'Alberta Simon-Luc FACTSNET Coordinator
Réseau historique de St. Albert FACTSNET Coordinator Centralta Tourism Blog Coordonnateur
West Edmonton (Jasper Place) Christmas Simon-Luc FACTSNET Coordinator
FACTSnet Canadian History Sources
St. Albert Christmas FACTSNET Coordinator St. Albert Student St Albert Heritage Network Administrator Family And Community Twining Society (FACTS) Heritage FACTS 4 FACTS Student
Hills of Hope Christmas Simon-Luc FACTSNET Coordinator
Facts Workshop Practice FACTSNET Coordinator Facts Workshop Participant
Second Language Network J Ibsen FACTSNET Coordinator
Centralta Tourism & Historical Network Centralta Tourism Blog Coordonnateur FACTSNET Coordinator St Albert Heritage Network Administrator
Spruce Grove Community Networks SGCHS School Council Blog Coordinator Spruce Grove Residence Association Sprove Grove Community Network Coordinator FACTSNET Coordinator
Inspiring Education (Heritiage Conversation Template) FACTSNET Coordinator
Inspiring Education 09 Template FACTSNET Coordinator
Tri-Heritage Network Tri Heritage FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc
FACTSnet Workshop Facts Workshop Participant FACTSNET Coordinator St Albert Heritage Network Administrator Simon-Luc
Legal (Alberta) Heritage Network FACTSNET Coordinator Centralta Tourism Blog Coordonnateur
Inspiring Ed Heritage Conversation (ESSMY) FACTSNET Coordinator
FACTS ned FACTSNET Coordinator
Winterburn Christmas Simon-Luc FACTSNET Coordinator
Société Touristique du Centralta FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc Societe Touristique Centralta
St. Albert Historical Network St Albert Heritage Network Administrator Centralta Tourism Blog Coordonnateur FACTS Student FACTSNET Coordinator
Inspiring Education - Igniting Heritage (ESSMY) FACTSNET Coordinator
Centralta Murals St Albert Heritage Network Administrator FACTSNET Coordinator Societe Touristique Centralta
Inspiring Education Conversation (STA) FACTSNET Coordinator
St. Albert Jubilee FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc St Albert Heritage Network Administrator
Stony Plain Heritage St Albert Heritage Network Administrator Simon-LucFACTSNET Coordinator
Spruce Grove Christmas FACTS Student FACTSNET Coordinator Simon-Luc
Parkland County Heritage Network FACTSNET Coordinator
FACTSnet Workshops & Seminars (Google Applications) FACTSNET Coordinator Computers in the Arts Blog Coordinator
Noël à Spruce Grove Simon-Luc FACTSNET Coordinator
Second Language Ministry Network Computers in the Arts Blog Coordinator FACTSNET Coordinator
FACTSnet Blogger Workshops Simon-Luc St Albert Heritage Network AdministratorFACTSNET Coordinator
École Camille J. Lerouge Grade Five Blog Ecole Camille J. Lerouge Grade Five Student FACTSNET Coordinator Ecole Camille J. Lerouge Grade Five Teacher

1 comment:

St Albert Heritage Network Administrator said...

Thanks Roger for putting so much work into FACTSnet and making it more accessible and organised for the future workers on these blogs!