FACTSnet Practicum and Summer Jobs Program

In the FACTSnet practicum program, we try wherever possible to link future educators currently attending universities with schools and community organizations. (Note this is a pilot program, based on our network contacts and is not official policy of the university or school boards).  The aim is that, during education students' placement as student teachers, their mandatory "student projects" of both the Introductory Placement term (IPT), or Advanced Placement term (APT), will be linked to summer jobs, with FACTSnet community partners.

By doing this, the students will gain more knowledge into the educational world, as well as contribute to reaching the desired goals of school and community partners.

If you are an Education Student and will be going back to school next year and interested in a summer job, go to FACTSnet Summer Jobs 2013.  
If you are from a school or community organization and would like to partner with FACTSnet in the placement of Education Students, please email factsc@gmail.com

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