FACTSnet Summer Programs 2012

The following time line is proposed for 2012:
  1. Sept. 2011 -Jan. 2012 -
    1. Recruit Organizations and Individuals who will participate.
    2. Identify network development priorities see possibilities below:
      1. Alberta/Japan Network 
      2. Parents As Coaches Network 
      3. Alberta Social Studies Network
      4. Newcomers & Visitors to Canada Net  
      5. Alberta Language, Culture & Heritage Networks  
      6. FACTSnet CTS/Community Network  
      7. Information Technology in Educ. & the Arts  
      8. Alberta Christmas Network
      9. Tri-community Networks 
      10. Uniting for Children & Youth Networks 
      11. Make Fix and Recycle Summer Programs 
      12. For other networking possibilities see The FACTSnet Index
  2. Jan. - Feb.   -Dialogue to develop proposals to apply for summer jobs see Canada Summer Jobs. and FACTSnet Summer Jobs 2011
  1. Jan. - Apr. 
    1. Recruit Post-Secondary Students see FACTSnet Summer Jobs 2012
  2. May -June 
    1. Train Post-Secondary Students 
    2. Develop programs and projects

      Current summer projects (2012)

      Summer 2012 Staff


    3. Hire High School Students.
  3. July - Aug.  -All students work on summer programs and projects.
Email:  info@factsnet.org to get involved or get more information. 

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