Summer 2012 Staff

1.      Our Summer Administrative Assistant has worked for two of our FACTSnet organizations for the past 4 summers. She is majoring in Social Studies and minoring in ESL and has a completed her Introductory Professional Term (IPT) in which she taught the grade 8 Japan curriculum. She will be participating in our summer trip to Japan. Some schools may want to follow our actual trip and plan for their own trip next year. Her email is
2.      Our Alberta/Japan Network Coordinator is studying Japanese Language at U of A and is doing the research and development for our trip to Japan. Schools can get involved in this project by doing a poll on sites of most interest for students to visit related to the grade 8 Social Studies curriculum. Her email is job Description (School/Community Summer Network Coordinator)
3.      Our Education Coordinator is a Secondary Education Social Studies Major and English minor. She has completed her IPT and has done her first degree with a double Major in History and Women’s Studies. She is working on a Humanities approach which she started in her IPT. She has been working on a Social Studies Index for both parents and students. Her email is See job Description: (Education/Community Summer Network Coordinator)
4.      Our Summer Business Manager is our Francophone expert and is developing our French content. She is also coordinating our Parents As Coaches Network with other students. We are planning a information session for parents, teachers and students going into grade 7-12 about a summer drop in program. We will be dialoguing and developing resources for parents to be involved in the education of their children, at home, school and in the community.  Please pass this on to teachers and parents who may want to be part of the dialogue. Her email is job Description: (Community Network Summer Coordinator)
5.      Our Technical Coordinator is on the co-op program from NAIT and is supervising volunteer web designers. They would be available to set up school council and school Parents as Coaches networks. His email is See job Description: (Community Network Technical Coordinator )

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