FACTSnet Summer Jobs 2012

Summer Jobs applied for in 2012:
The jobs listed above, except one were were funded by Canada Summer Jobs.  Therefore, to apply for a position you need to be a full time student (ages 15-30) who is going back to school next fall, a landed immigrant (see  Eligible Student Participants).  Preference will be given to education students with the background and experience suitable for the specific job. All eligible students are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to priority students (aboriginals,  disabled persons and members of visible minorities).

To Apply email your resume to factsc@gmail.com. 

In your email or covering letter indicate:
* That you are an "eligible student" for a Canada Summer Job,
* If you belong to a priority group (Aboriginal etc.),
* When you would be available for an interview.
* Which jobs are of interest to you, in order of priority.

We hope to hear about funding by the first week of May and offer jobs, immediately. To get an invitation to a job completion send your resume ASAP..

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