Over the course of the summer I have completed the following projects as a network coordinator for FACTSnet:
- Developed a heritage plan for schools to use if they please in order to celebrate Canada’s upcoming hundred and fiftieth birthday. This has been an ongoing project for me, which can be found in my masterdoc.
- Emailed schools in regards to the heritage project, asking them if they were interested in implementing the program.
- Researched school divisions in both Sturgeon and St. Albert and cut and pasted information in regards to mental health, heritage, the french language, and parents from their websites into a FACTSnet database.
- Researched Canada Day plans in the edmonton area.
- Completed a mid term report
- Researched the ALIS career tool as well as the career tool developed by the Government of Canada.
- Researched heritage in edmonton
- Made an email draft and contacted summer school professors about introducing FACTS internships to their students
- Attended a meeting with the Mewassin Free Methodist Church in regards to making them a website
- Compiled and contacted an invite list for a networking seminar
- Attended a seminar with FACTSnet
- Final Summary
- Final Document