Tricia's Public Summary

My summer job consisted of archiving numerous websites and recording them to their corresponding school and business reports. My internship hours and summer hours overlapped after school and the bulk of it included my research on recycling (and other practices) and outdoor education (and other practices that can improve learning); these researches were summarized in google documents.

I also did research on the science curriculum for each school in Calgary (Private, Public, and Catholic Middle Schools and High Schools). From this, I also updated their corresponding cut and pastes. Some reports were missing for Calgary Public Middle School and I spent the time to create them (about half of Calgary Middle Schools). I also used the School board websites about outdoor education and recycling programs but there wasn’t any information about how they implement this. This task helped me understand the science curriculum and, with collaboration with my mentor, we devised different strategies to improve this delivery, i.e. outdoor education.

Since my internship and summer job overlapped, I also did work on the businesses in Calgary, Parkland County, and Spruce Grove by researching the policies for each region; and see how they implement different practices and what residents need to do for proper disposal of trash. I made reports for each region, giving detailed information on their policies and implementation. Each region presented to have visions and values regarding this topic.

Through my research for both science curriculums, and recycling programs and policies, I have gained a better understanding of policymaking and its implementation in different regions. This connects to my interests in environmental science and research that goes with it. I was also able to improve my collaboration skills during the research process for outdoor education. During my employment, I also practiced my writing and computer skills. Not only that, but I also improved my time management skills and independence in the process. Overall, my time with FACTSnet has been a very enriching and positive experience that I believe to be relevant for my career path.

I finished all these reports before my time ended; research, archiving, editing and updating. I created a master document for summer 2019 where all relevant files for this year were linked.

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